Monday, June 8, 2009

Gorilla, My Love; Everyday Use; Girl Disscussion Questions

Gorilla, My Love

In this story, I can sort of side with Hazel. She is just like a little kid causing trouble, wanting to do what she wants, and also argues with anyone and goes until she "wins" the argument. At the very end, she is also like a little child when she gets mad at her Uncle for saying that he was going to marry that other lady instead of her like he had promised her when she was younger. Even though I don't agree with her wanting to marry an uncle, it is like a child to want everything that was promised to them at a later time.

Everyday Use

Even though this story was written over thirty years ago, it still makes a lot of sense to today. Whenever someone in the family goes off to school or college for a long time and they don't really keep in touch, when they do come back they seem to be a different person. This happened with Dee's return, for example she went by a different name, she was more educated, wanted everything for herself, and she had been married to someone. When she did go visit her family, she still wanted everything for herself and didn't really care for what her mother and sister cared about. In this story, I side with the older generation simply because the daughter had no right coming back to the house and invading it and wanting everything simply because she thought she was better off than her own mother and sister.


In this story it seems taht a movie is just being very descriptive to her daughter about how to be a girl and woman eventually. All the things she mentions are all the habits that her daughter needs to do either now or learn to do in the future for when she becomes a woman. A lot of those things women still do and still learn to do from their mothers and learn from examples. There isn't much said by the girl herself which makes it impossible to like her character. But the mother doesn't say much either except for what her daughter needs to know for her future. I think in every generation, a mother wants the best for her daughter and wants her to learn everything she has so to become a better woman.

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